VIVA extends you the utmost assistance at all times in your shopping. If for any reason you are dissatisfied with your purchased item and want a replacement/refund, all you need to do is to bring back the item to any VIVA store along with the proof of purchase.
- If you are uncertain or have actually changed your mind about the product, you can return or exchange it in a VIVA store. You should, however, make sure that the product is recognized as having been purchased at any of our stores and is scannable. Along with the purchased items, you are also required to bring in the complete packaging, the inside packaging and labels.
- All refunds are subject to approval from the Store Manager.
- For products purchased under a promotional offer, requests for refunds will be processed in the light of the terms of the promotional offer. In the case of Bundle offers, “Buy 1 Get 1 free” offers or free gifts, you are required to return all the items included in the particular promotional offer.
- If you may have paid by debit/credit card, your refund will be in CASH after the returned product is checked.
No part of our Replace or Refund policy will restrict or otherwise limit the consumer rights that you are entitled to as per the laws of the Emirate of Dubai and the Federal Laws of UAE.